5th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress
YER   İstanbul
TARİH   13-15.HAZİRAN.2012
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Foundation

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Lütfi Kırdar Uluslararası Kongre ve Sergi Sarayı
ORGANİZATÖR KURULUŞ   Figür Kongre & Organizasyon
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   http://www.eecongress2012.org
The location for this event is a city representing in itself a special international environment. Here you will find two continents East and West living together as one, joined by magnificent road bridges across the beautiful waters of the Bosphorus.

Istanbul has evolved from an exciting history. Originally called Byzantium it changed to Constantinople before finally bearing the name we know today. Each change of name brought with it new demands from society and therefore a continual need to be able to adapt to change. Currently Istanbul is playing a key role for Turkey in the emerging Europe of tomorrow. We are sure you will agree that it is a very worthy destination as a platform to bring people of all nationalities together in a celebration of our industry. An industry that was borne from one of the important human demands, a freedom to travel.

Following the success of the congress in 2008 and its theme of 'Roads for Life' we will continue the journey with a closer in-depth review of one of the key aspects to this original over-riding theme. The focus for 2012 will be on 'Sustainability'.

Roads have been part of the advancement of civilisation and with that they have also continued to develop with the demands that drive our social, environmental and economic needs. The common thread through these demands is a desire to be sustainable.

The E&E 2012 Congress will provide an excellent platform to investigate key issues such as adapting to climate change; durability & performance; energy & carbon; resource use and recycling; responsible sourcing and green procurement plus many more.

We invite you to contribute to this important event for our industry through the submission of a paper that reflects what you and/or your company are doing within the scope of Sustainability. The provisional sessions included in this invitation outline the main themes and examples of typical areas that we anticipate will be included.

Communications and updates of the congress will appear regularly on the website including online registration. We encourage you to start now by visiting and book-marking the congress website to ensure you capture all the latest news.

Visit www.eecongress2012.org

See you in Istanbul

Alberto Bardesi
Eurobitume President

Jean - Louis Marchand
EAPA President
