1st International Congress on Hygiene Research in Hospitality Industry
YER   Kocaeli
TARİH   5-7.MAYIS.2023
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   -Anatolian Academy of Sciences
-Kocaeli University
-Medipol University
-Beykoz University
-Iğdır University

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Kocaeli Üniversitesi Kartepe Turizm
Meslek Yüksekokulu
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   antabstract.com/congre/default.asp?ID=182190698198
Dear Scientists,

In our country, the earthquake that took place in Kahramanmaraş on February 06, 2023 has deeply injured all of us. We wish mercy to our people who lost their lives, get well soon to the injured and share their pain. This earthquake and happenings after it has once again revealed the importance of hygiene issues. For this reason, this year, the main theme of our Congress on Hygiene Research in Hospitality Industry (COHRIH) which will be held on May 05-07, is determined as "Hygiene in Disasters" and a special session is planned on this subject.

COHRIH Congress, being organized in cooperation with the Anatolian Academy of Sciences, Kocaeli University, Medipol University, Beykoz University and Iğdır University will be held in Kocaeli. The aim of the congress is to bring together valuable academicians and the industry related to hygiene from the fields of health, food, tourism, social services, business, etc. from home and abroad universities, to create an environment for scientific sharing and discussions, and to provide the opportunity to meet and interact with the academic environment. In addition, it is aimed to make a scientific contribution to the importance of post-earthquake hygiene issues.

The 1st International Congress on Hygiene Research in Hospitality Industry (COHRIH) will be of an international qualification; it will be conducted in two languages, English and Turkish. It is aimed that the Hygiene Congress, being held for the first time this year, will host academicians and students from various universities in the country and will grow with new partners in the upcoming years and obtain a respectable place among international congresses. It is planned to organize the conference as a hybrid, allowing both in person and online participation.

The oral presentations and poster abstracts presented at the Congress will be published in English in the abstract book of Congress, and if requested by the authors, the research will be published as an article in the journals of IJTEBS, Beykoz Academy and Iğdır Social Sciences Institute after being subjected to necessary scientific evaluations. Turkish and English Presentations will be available at our congress. Prof. Dr. Meryem AKOĞLAN KOZAK, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Prof. Dr. E. Didem EVCİ KİRAZ, Asst. Prof. Dr. Onur Kenan ULUTAŞ will attend as invited speaker in the congress.

The 1st International Congress on Hygiene Research in Hospitality Industry (COHRIH) aims to host valuable academics, theorists and practitioners from different disciplines of universities at home and abroad. We are honored to host you in KOCAELİ on 05-07 May 2023.

Congress Chairman
Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER
Ankara Medipol University

Term Chairmen of Congress
Prof. Dr. H. Suavi AHİPAŞAOĞLU
Beykoz University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bilsen BİLGİLİ
Kocaeli University
